
Alexa Tips and Widget

Alexa rank is a term for the internet website of the company in California, while the site's alexa functions provide information about the number of visitors to a particular site. of course all blogpun website and actually got some alexa rank order, try to check, what is the value alexa website or your blog?

Well, they look good value above? certainly not good, do not be stunned with a lot of value on the widget alexa, alexa for better grades are sorted from smallest number is 1, so it means that the smaller the value, the better alexa alexa also the website,The following list of websites that have Alexa rank order of 1 to 10 what sites have the following list of websites that have the best and top alexa at this time. ,,,,,,,,,

Then how alexa blog or website? Please check here to see it. and hopefully the result is not depressing like this batempo blog. if you want a quick way to lower alexa, this time batempo will give you some tips based on my experience so alexa blog can come down quickly, the following steps need to be taken to lower the Alexa.

Update your blog on a regular basis
Regularly posting was indeed a very effective way to reduce alexa, let alone update the article that is Often Sought after, automatic trafict of machines will increase of any search, so increasing the number visitors too, alexa will drop Dramatically

Install alexa widget
alexa widget installed on blogs as well as easy to see as well as detection alexa alexa serve on the blog, so by installing alexa alexa widget can help you to monitor web.

Writing articles on alexa
the same by giving written alexa alexa review and this is also proven to reduce alexa

Install the Alexa Tool Bar
Almost similar to install alexa widget, this function monitoring website or your blog

The old fashioned way is still proven effective can also reduce alexa, in addition to tighten the relationship with a fellow blogger blogwalkin can automatically increase traffic to your blog

Link exchange or link exchange
With the backlinks from other sites that allow visitors to the blog click on your link, and finally
any additional traffic can flow.

To share blog posts or social media
It is inevitable to share on social networks can add traffic and can automatically lower the alexa anyway.

Alexa mutual review
These steps aim to review your web blog on Alexa