
Pilihan Villa dan Resort di Ubud Bali

Villa Resort Ubud Bali

Villa dan Resort di Ubud Bali - Berikut informasi Villa dan Resort di Bali Indonesia , semoga membantu untuk anda yang sedang mencari informasi berlibur di Pulau Bali, khususnya bagi mereka yang ingin menyewa Villa maupun Resort di daerah Ubud Bali . Dapatkan juga potongan harga khusus di beberapa Villa dan resort di Bali.

Rent Villa Ubud hanging
Ubud Hanging Garden
Review      : Everything about Hanging Gardens is brilliant. Ideal getaway for couples - total privacy, access to massage therapy.
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Alila Ubud Bali
Alila Ubud Bali Indonesia
Review     : Very relaxing, nice mountain view, perfect swimming pool
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Rent Ubud Village
The Ubud Village Resort Ubud
Review      : Villa privacy, friendliness of staff, attention to detail.
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Rent Viceroy Villa Ubud Bali
Viceroy Villa Ubud Bali
Review : Good to travel by couple, but not good with family.Very private and beautiful hotel for relaxing.
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Bali jiwa Ubud
Bali Jiwa Villa Ubud
Review : Villa yang tepat untuk mendapatkan keheningan hati
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terang bulan
Terang Bulan Cotages
Hotel Area  : Ubud 
Note            : Room spaciousness, warm staff, filling & beautifully 
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